Sleep analysis service

Supporting health with sleep analysis, the new 9h nine hours.

At 9h nine hours, we offer Japan's first wellness capsule hotel that conducts sleep analysis services. We scientifically measure sleep quality and provide analysis reports based on objective data, visualizing the health status of our guests. We strive to enhance the well-being of our guests through the utilization of capsule units originating from Japan.

Sleep analysis service
9h sleep fitscan

The 9h sleep fitscan service offered at 9h nine hours is designed to measure the quality of sleep and breathing patterns of guests staying in our hotels. With the consent of our guests, sensors within the capsule bed measure body movements, snoring sounds, and sleep facial images, and these results are then sent to the guests in the form of a sleep report. By combining advanced sensing technology with the unique features of our capsule units that envelop the body from all angles, we achieve highly accurate sleep analysis.

Sleep analysis report

We assess risks of diseases such as sleep apnea syndrome, depression, and myocardial infarction during sleep, and we also provide referrals to hospitals. For individuals showing poor numerical values and risks of diseases, we collaborate with university hospitals and clinics to provide referrals to hospitals.


Sleep duration









Sleep analysis report



※The service automatically generates reports using AI technology.

Sleep examination service

Many of our guests struggle with sleep-related issues or experience anxiety about their mental and physical well-being. In response to these concerns, we measure sleep quality within our capsule units and provide data accordingly. Additionally, for those showing poor metrics or potential health risks, we offer referrals to hospitals under the collaboration of university hospitals and clinics. Nearly a million people annually utilize our services across our four facilities with a total of 360 beds.

Pursuit of safe and secure sleep analysis

At 9h nine hours, we strive to provide safe and accurate sleep analysis through collaboration with various companies and the provision of business services and joint research.

Business/Collaborative partnership ※an example

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
New model capsule "9h sleep dock"

Developed in collaboration with Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., the new model capsule "9h sleep dock" excels in soundproofing. By incorporating a hatch-type door at the opening, it enhances soundproofing performance compared to conventional capsules, promoting comfortable sleep for customers. It also comes equipped with a set of sensors tailored for the sleep analysis service "9h sleep fitscan."


Valuable reflection on my snoring.

Male, 30s

Accustomed to tracking my health with a smartwatch, I sought deeper insights into my sleep by enrolling in this service. Despite initial apprehension at staying in a capsule hotel for the first time, I found the capsule surprisingly spacious and slept comfortably. The results revealed excessive snoring, echoing feedback from my co-sleepers. It prompted me to consider ways to address my snoring.

Deep sleep duration shorter than expected.

Female, 20s

Though typically a sound sleeper, I was intrigued by the service and decided to try it with a friend. Despite extended sleep duration, I was surprised to find a shorter duration of deep sleep and subpar sleep efficiency. Likely influenced by extensive smartphone use before bedtime, I'm keen to retest under optimal conditions.

Normal sleep sans equipment.

Male, 40s

Struggling with sleep initiation and depth, I was curious about my actual sleep patterns. Initially anxious about attaching monitoring equipment, I was relieved to find I could measure my sleep without wearing anything. While it was insightful to objectively assess my sleep, the data indicated room for improvement in sleep quality.

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  • Sleep analysis service
